We Make Toys

It all starts with an idea. Maybe you have a napkin sketch. Perhaps you want to turn a childhood dream into something bigger. Or maybe you want to build an entire play world around your brand. Whatever it is, we are happy to share our expertise and know-how in both manufacturing and brand building, from conception to market, with you.

A Figurine

Dream up a single figurine or character, and let our designers and decorators bring it to life through sketches, 3D modeling, and 3D printing, delivering a finished product to your doorstep

A Line up

If you have a brand or lineup and are thinking of expanding the world around it, let our production-oriented team work in tandem with your design team to develop a lineup of colorful characters ready for production.

A Brand

The path to the market can sometimes be a long way from your initial dream's conception. Let us not only handle the heavy lifting but also provide the contacts and connections to key players in the toy industry, along with our teams.

We've Been There, We've Done That, and Yet We Are Always Ready for New.